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Monday 6 May 2024 08:05

Italy bus and metro strike on Monday 6 May

Strike to affect local public transport services in Italy.Commuters in Rome, Milan and other cities across Italy face disruption to local public transport services on Monday 6 May due to a nationwide 24-hour strike.The industrial dispute, called by several trade unions representing public transport workers, will affect bus, subway and tram services, with strike timetables varying from city to city. In Rome the strike is set to affect ATAC and Roma TPL services from 08.30 to 17.00 and from 20.00 until the end of service, according to the city's website. In Milan the strike is set to disrupt public transport services from 08.45 to 12.45 and from 18.00 until end of service, according to the ATM website. Italy faces train strike on 4-5 May In Turin local public transport operated by GTT is guaranteed on Monday between 06.0 and 09.00 and from midday until 15.00; in Naples local public transport services are guaranteed from 05.30 to 08.30 and from 17.00 to 20.00, according to the ANM website. The reasons for the strike include demands for reduced working hours and significant pay increases, protests against privatisation and calls for improved safety in the workplace. For official information about public transport strikes in Italy see the transport ministry website. Photo credit: phM2019 /

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Commuters in Rome, Milan and other cities across Italy face disruption to local public transport services on Monday 6 May due to a nationwide 24-hour strike. The industrial dispute, called by several trade unions representing public transport workers, will affect bus, subway and tram services, with strike timetables varying from city to city. In Rome the strike is set to affect ATAC and Roma TPL services from 08.30 to 17.00 and from 20.00 until the end of service, according to the
city's website
. In Milan the strike is set to disrupt public transport services from 08.45 to 12.45 and from 18.00 until end of service, according to the
ATM website
  • Italy faces train strike on 4-5 May
In Turin local public transport
operated by GTT
is guaranteed on Monday between 06.0 and 09.00 and from midday until 15.00; in Naples local public transport services are guaranteed from 05.30 to 08.30 and from 17.00 to 20.00, according to
the ANM website
. The reasons for the strike include demands for reduced working hours and significant pay increases, protests against privatisation and calls for improved safety in the workplace. For official information about public transport strikes in Italy see the
transport ministry website
. Photo credit: phM2019 /
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