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Thursday 6 June 2024 17:06

Pope to visit Rome city hall ahead of Jubilee Year 2025

Francis to visit Campidoglio for second time.Pope Francis will visit Rome city hall on Monday 10 May where he will address the city council on the theme of the Vatican's upcoming Jubilee Year 2025.The visit takes place in the context of ongoing preparations for the Jubilee Year in a collaborative effort between the city, the Vatican and the Italian government. Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri, who is also Italy's extraordinary commissioner for the Jubilee, presented the first phase of the plans to Pope Francis during a meeting at the Vatican in January. Since then Rome has become "an open-air construction site", according to Gualtieri, who claims that the multiple infrastructure projects underway will "change the face" of the city. La presenza lunedì prossimo di Papa Francesco in Campidoglio ci riempie di gioia e assume un particolare significato in vista dell’appuntamento giubilare ormai alle porte, il suggello di un percorso di condivisione che stiamo portando avanti con la Santa Sede e il Governo per… — Roberto Gualtieri (@gualtierieurope) June 5, 2024 The pope's visit to the Campidoglio next Monday will be the second of his 11-year pontificate after he visited in March 2019 on the invitation of then mayor Virginia Raggi. Describing the upcoming papal visit as "a new, historic opportunity to reiterate the unbreakable bond that binds Francis to the citizens of Rome", the city said the pope will speak in the Giulio Cesare Hall before greeting those present in Piazza del Campidoglio. Francis is the fourth pope in modern times to visit Rome's city hall, after Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Photo credit: Alessia Pierdomenico /

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Pope Francis will visit Rome city hall on Monday 10 May where he will address the city council on the theme of the Vatican's upcoming Jubilee Year 2025. The visit takes place in the context of ongoing preparations for the Jubilee Year in a collaborative effort between the city, the Vatican and the Italian government. Rome mayor Roberto Gualtieri, who is also Italy's extraordinary commissioner for the Jubilee, presented the first phase of the plans to Pope Francis
during a meeting
at the Vatican in January. Since then Rome has become "an open-air construction site", according to Gualtieri, who claims that the multiple infrastructure projects underway will
"change the face"
of the city. La presenza lunedì prossimo di Papa Francesco in Campidoglio ci riempie di gioia e assume un particolare significato in vista dell’appuntamento giubilare ormai alle porte, il suggello di un percorso di condivisione che stiamo portando avanti con la Santa Sede e il Governo per…
— Roberto Gualtieri (@gualtierieurope)
June 5, 2024
The pope's visit to the Campidoglio next Monday will be the second of his 11-year pontificate after he
visited in March 2019
on the invitation of then mayor Virginia Raggi. Describing the upcoming papal visit as "a new, historic opportunity to reiterate the unbreakable bond that binds Francis to the citizens of Rome",
the city said
the pope will speak in the Giulio Cesare Hall before greeting those present in Piazza del Campidoglio. Francis is the fourth pope in modern times to visit Rome's city hall, after Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Photo credit: Alessia Pierdomenico /
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