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Fori Imperiali

Via dei Fori Imperiali - 00186 Rome โคท
Campitelli [R.X]
Esquilino [1E]

In the Ist century B.C. Rome became a capital of the Empire which extended from Spain to Minor Asia and numbered almost a million of inhabitants. The republican Forum turned out to be insufficient as an administrative centre of the Empire. The first who decided to enlarge the monumental area intended for the people was Ceasar.
The work began and lasted for more than 150 years giving life to the magnificent complex called Imperial Forum.

The Julio Forum was a wide square with a collonade like all forums built later. It was ended by a temple that Ceasar wanted to devote to Mother Venice, progenitor of the gens Julius.

The Julio Forum was a wide square with a collonade like all forums built later. It was ended by a temple that Ceasar wanted to devote to Mother Venice, progenitor of the gens Julius. The Forum of his successor and adoptive son Augustus is instead dominated by the temple of Mars Avenger that means revenger because Ottaviano helped to remove Ceasar's killers Brute and Cassio in Filippi in 42 B.C. Ceasar after the death was deified. Also the emperors Vespasian and Nerva wanted to create a real celebrated space and for the last one Traian realized the magnificent Forum and Traian Market.

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