Villa Glori
It is situated on the small rise of 56 meters on the leftbank of
the Tevere at the eastern end of the bend which the river
traces before to turn sharply to the south for to cross
the city of Rome.
It is called so after the villa of some Gliri (or Gloria).
The Park of the villa was designed by Raffaele De Vico (1923-24)
and nowadays partly it is a memorial park.
In the villa Glori on the 23d of October, 1867 a heroic
episode took place that related to the history of the
undertaken attempts to provide just united Italy with its
natural capital. Enrico and Giovanni Cairol expelled from Rome,
where they came to try the possibilities of a revolutionary
motion, exposed the plan to the Assistance Committee
in Florence how to ship to Rome. On the 20th of October a "holy group"
of seventy revolutionaries with Enrico Cairoli in charge and
their people G.Tabbacchi, c.Isacchi and G. Cairoli,
reached Terni from the Tevere taking the land at night
of the day of 23 at the confluence with the Aniene and
climbed the Glori Villa rise. But he was overwhelmed
here by forces of "foreign carabinieres" armed in excellent
chassepots. Enrico Cairoli was killed. The survivors retired
on the Mentana or were captivated. The episode is an object
of famous roman sonnets of Cesare Pascarella.
The principal avenue on the slope of the park crosses
il Viale dei Settanta (companions of Cairoli) and leads to
the Piazzale dell'Altare, to the memorial column of the fallen
in 1867 and to the square where still today one can see a dry log
of an almond-tree which Enrico Cairoli watered with his blood.
From here the avenue of the almond-tree takes to the "Casale"
where the companions of Cairoli barricaded themselves. 100 meters
away there is a oak group of the war 1915-18.
From the square of the Park the Viale Parioli starts.
It crosses the Parioli Quarter which is among the most
prestigous in Rome.