Damp baccalà a la roman (Baccalà in umido alla romana)
ingredients (4 people)
baccala': 800 grams
peeled tomatoes: 300 grams
anchovies: 5
minced parsley: 1 spoon
onion: 1
breadcrumbs: 2 spoons
butter: 1 nut
olive oil: 1 deciliter
grated parmesan: 30 grams
Butter up a pan, spread out breadcrumbs and place the baccala cut into not so small pieces with its skin up.
Cover it richly with minced parsley, onion. Having covered it up with lots of water, boil it adding more water if necessary.
Separetely prepare a dressing with tomatoes and fillets of anchovies.
At the end of cooking dress the cod with oil, butter and salt.
Before serving add the dressing of tomatoes and mix it up delicately.